
Ten Points for Steady Sadhana

Notes from a lecture by His Grace Dwarakadish Prabhu and Her Grace Vishaka Priya Mataji on 14th August 2023 in Hyderabad, sharing experience of senior vaishnavas from their personal experience of practicing bhakti yoga for over 2 decades. 1. Strong Girhastha Ashram promotes Strong Sadhana Family Life creating right environment for great sadhana. Entire family making more favourable for sadhana & krishna centered always.  2. Visible Sadhana Ensure sincere sadhana. Where possible collective sadhana together with other devotees. New devotees see us as example and follow us. 3. Regular Hearing Regular Hearing nourishes our own Sadhana.  Power of conviction to please Krishna comes up & improves chanting. In such situations, Lord helps us our knowledge to becomes realised knowledge. Unsteadiness in sadhana is because of casual chanting and casual hearing. 4. By taking up more Preaching activities  Preaching what ever you know. Krishna gets pleased by such efforts.& sadhana also